10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Identity Theft
Posted in 10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Identity Theft
Identity theft has become one of the biggest concerns for Americans. However, it is also one of the most misunderstood subjects among consumers. We are always looking for ways to protect ourselves from fraud. Credit card fraud or identity theft can turn your life upside down, especially if you have to spend time with law enforcement or incur legal charges. It’s always best to prevent identity theft instead of trying to fix problems once they start. There are plenty of ways that you can make yourself safer as a consumer. If you follow some of the steps below, you are much less likely to become a victim of identity theft.
Fake Wi-Fi Hotspots
While public Wi-Fi hotspots
are extremely convenient, they can also be very dangerous. Make sure you avoid
generic Wi-Fi hotspots names, such as “Hotel Wi-Fi” or “Airport Wi-Fi.” Once
you log into a fake Wi-Fi hotspot, thieves can gain access to everything in
your phone, tablet or computer. That means usernames, passwords, credit card
numbers and any other important data that you’ve used online. You’ll want
to be cautious about which public hotspots you use, and what information you
disclose online in public areas.
Medical Identity Theft
Medical identity theft is an
increasing threat. The medical field is growing every year, and more
individuals are getting treatment, prescriptions and using health insurance.
But when you enter your name and social security number online for these
medical services, you can be putting yourself at risk. Make sure you only give
critical personal information at medical centers, and do so in person. You’ll
also want to check with your health insurance company on a regular basis to
ensure that all charges are legitimate.
Mail Redirects
Are you receiving less mail
then you used to? Are you getting calls and emails about products you’ve never
ordered? You might be the victim of a mail redirect scheme. Mail redirect
schemes occur when a thief uses your personal information to request an address
change from the Post Office. The thieves change your mail to an address of
their choosing, where they can collect your personal information and open up
new accounts. Make sure you shred personal information and stop junk mail and
other unwanted solicitations.
Search Engine
Search engine manipulation,
sometimes called search engine poisoning, refers to the act of thieves
manipulating search engine results so that fake websites looking for your
information show up in a higher position in the listings. Maybe you Google your
bank’s name, and click on a phony website that shows up higher than usual. That
phony website looks like the real thing, except it collects all of your entered
personal information and feeds it to identity thieves.
Military Scams
Military men and women are
constantly entering their personal information in different places, which makes
them prime targets for scams. Identity thieves can pretend to be offering a new
program for military members, only for those entering their information to find
out that the entire thing was a scam. Military members should constantly check
the validity of different military programs to make sure that their information
is safe.
Theft Via Computer
Online games where individuals
open accounts virtually is a new way for thieves to steal your personal
information. Online thieves can issue phishing attacks against online games and
payment systems in order to obtain critical information. Sometimes, thieves
send fake emails in hopes of gamers inputting their personal data. Only log in
from a secure website and be wary of emails that ask you for your information.
Unsolicited Emails
If someone sends you an
unsolicited email asking you for personal information, you should immediately
report it as spam. Financial service companies never send unsolicited emails
asking for your personal or financial information. Make sure you only give out
your financial information in conversations that you initiated.
Credit Cards Have
Stronger Fraud Protection Than Debit Cards
Know that credit card
protections offered are stronger than those offered by debit cards. Credit
cards, due to federal law, restrict the amount you are liable for to $50.
Depending on when you report the debit card theft, you can be liable for $50 up
to the full amount.
Your Credit Card
Number Can Get Stolen Without You Explicitly Revealing It
Even if just part of your
personal information is stolen, thieves can use it to find the rest of your
information. Make sure that you shred all important documents that you receive
in the mail, especially financial statements.
Check Your Online
Statements On A Regular Basis
Although financial statements
are nice to get in the mail, they also leave you open to potential identity
theft attempts. It’s better to go paperless, and then check your statements
online. That keeps you more up to date on a regular basis, and it also prevents
identity thieves from being able to get physical access to your information. If
you are truly ready to prevent identity theft, then you should stop getting
paper statements in the mail which contain your critical personal information.
As you can see, there are
plenty of ways identity thieves can attempt to steal your personal information
and credit card number. But if you avoid risky behavior, you can save yourself
a lot of time, money and effort. It can be extremely difficult to go through
the law enforcement and legal process after your identity has been stolen, and
it can be frustrating not knowing if your identity is still compromised. By
avoiding some of these traps, you will protect yourself and lessen the risk of
your critical information falling into the wrong hands.